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Production 2023

The Year Beyond Perfection!

NÃ¥ gÃ¥r vi enda lengere og overgÃ¥r oss selv!!


This is the year we go beyond the limit!!


Batch # 53 Skalleknarpens Thunderchild

Brygget under avsindig tordenvær med hagl, mens vi hørte på Jeff Wayne's War Of The Worlds. Den tok nok litt skade ved dette, da den smaker litt gjær. Rating 3/5


Brewed during a heavy thunderstorm complete with hail on our premises. As we were listening to Jeff Wayne's War Of The Worlds. Probably a bit damaged during that storm, as it tastes a bit of yeast. Rating 3/5.


Batch # 52 Narrowboating Skalleknarp

Denne er for å feire en meget fin tur på de engelske kanaler. Lucky Jack har vi laget med suksess flere ganger. En av våre favoritter. God som vanlig. Rating 4/5


This is to celebrate a very successful trip on the Canals of England. We have made Lucky Jack om several occasions before. Nice as usual. Rating 4/5

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Batch #  51 Stein Hard

Dette er en klon av Austmanns 3 gamle damer, en kopi av Batch #1! Flasket og sprengmodnet for Ã¥ bli drikkbar til pÃ¥ske. Utmerket liten sitrus-smak. Rating 4/5


This is a clone of our local brewery Austmanns 3 Old Ladies. Also a copy of Batch #1. Bottled in a hurry to be ready carbonated for Easter. Nice taste of citrus for the hops. Rating 4/5

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Batch # 50  Jubileums Pils!!

Batch # 50 er nådd og vi feirer med en Pilsener fra gjærskapet!! Prøvesmakt og godkjent til å være en utmerket tørsteslukker. Rating 4/5


Batch # 50 i brewed and is celebrated with a Lager from our custom built fermentation room.  The Batch is tasted and are approved as an exellent thirst-trencher. Rating 4/5


Batch #49 The Imperial Sunset

Resten av Stouten med et hint av Chilli. Dette er et "one Hop brew" med kun humletypen NUGGET. Masse smak av bitterhumle, sjokolade og masse annet godt. Rating 5/5


The rest of the grain from the Stout in an earlier batch. A One Hop Brew with only NUGGET as hop. And a hint of Chilli. Plenty taste. Rating 5/5

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